As a foal (we knew his previous owners niece
who kindly passed this on to me- small world eh?) |
I hate to admit it, but before writing this post I actually had to re-read what I wrote previously because it has been so long---I had no idea where I left off. It turns out I never really got that far (oops). To make up for my neglect I did scan some pictures... No they don't have a whole lot to do with the topic of the post, other then the fact that they are of the incredibly photogenic Traveller.
After giving him some time to heal it was time to start working with Traveller and find out what how much he remembered/didn’t remember and where his mental state was at.
It was a rough first few months. I was nervous, he was nervous, but there was no pressure- we could go at our own pace and figure things out. I had (and still have) wonderful neighbours who allowed me to use their indoor arena, something that gave us a quiet and safe environment to work in. Were there issues? YES, but really, he was a young horse who had a very limited amount of time on him and had just went through a traumatic event- I would have been stupid to expect perfection (is there ever perfection with horses? Nope!).
And I had never worked with a young horse before, there was a lot to learn.
In the spring it was time to start pony club, which included weekly group lessons down at the pony club grounds (10 minute drive away). Although the work alone at the indoor and at home had been going okay, I was very nervous to take him to a larger environment with lots of other horses. For the first few lessons we went very early (yay for wonderful moms!) so I could walk him around and lung him a bit; he was very excited and hot, but was generally manageable.
He was so dappled! |
The instructor was good at pushing us just enough to learn/accomplish something, but never too far to the point where one of us got scared. With this approach, we quickly got comfortable with walk/trot and began working on establishing a sane and balanced canter. At the same time, issues began to arise and multiply.
the trainer he went to? It turns out that he sure did remember it, the harsh bits, unforgiving hands, whips….yep, all of it.
Every time I took a little contact he overreacted and either tucked his nose to his chest or got very defensive (rearing was not out of the question). Crap.
At this point it was decided we would work on getting him long and low, and just relaxed. No one cared where his nose was, as long as he was going forwards it was fine. I wish I could say it was all solved and wonderful, but of course it wasn’t. This is actually still an issue that still pops up today if I take up contact too quickly or early in a ride. Live and learn.
Belonged in an earlier post, but I just
scanned it. Traveller and Bob on T's
very first day as my boy. |
In an attempt not to drive anyone away who may be reading this, I will move on with the story- but wow there was a lot of work and general trust building to do!
About four months into lessons he was going reasonably well on the flat and negotiating poles like a pro, so the instructor put up a little cross rail and….it was WONDERFUL! He went forwards confidently and jumped well, erasing many of the nagging doubts in the back of my mind.